Fresh in a Blink of An Eye

So, I’m between traveling. I got back day before yesterday from New York and am leaving day after tomorrow to Dubai. Today, I’m sitting in Muscat. During times like this, I buy the bare minimum amount of veggies possible. I usually have a mental tussle during times like this – how do I eat healthy, but still manage to minimize wastage?

Today, I made an extremely fast and easy before-meal salad. You’ll be surprised on how easy it seems and how come you didn’t get in the kitchen earlier, instead of calling that pizza delivery guy.

A rule of thumb that I usually like to follow is to MAKE SOMETHING RAW AND FRESH BEFORE OUR MEALS. Fresh veggies have so much intact energy that I feel like I’m ‘doing my body good.’

All I had in my fridge tonight was a few tomatoes and a lemon (leftover from the Indian meal that was cooked up the day before). So, I whipped up this:


QUICK, EASY Tomato Starter


2 tomatoes

½ small red onion

Juice from a quarter of a lemon

Pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt

Freshly Ground Pepper


Chop up the tomatoes and thinly slice the red onion. Mix everything together and voila!

I know this sounds like the easiest thing. But, to be honest with you, seeing two meager tomatoes at the bottom of the fridge seemed quite un-appetizing and boring. Until, I made it my number priority to eat healthy no matter what. So, I kicked my lazy side to the curb and chopped up those tomatoes and onions. No more excuses. Eating something fresh like this helps keep me on track for that holistic, happy, and healthy lifestyle.

And, what was for dinner?

Leftover Indian food. Cooked up a batch of basmati brown rice. In a teaspoon of ghee, I added a little garlic and added the leftover French beans bhaji (vegetable dish) and Cauliflower bhaji. On top of this, I mixed in the cooked brown rice. To top it all, I added some fresh, chopped coriander leaves and a squeeze of lemon. We ate it with the leftover masoor daal (cooked pink lentils).

Westville NYC

Westville has always supported my ‘healthy and happy’ lifestyle. And, what I love most about it, besides its cool NYC vibe (which hasn’t changed since I left NY), is the abundance of yummy veggie dishes. Yay for fiber!

After getting certified as a Holistic Health Coach, I’ve often gotten bombarded with the question, ‘How do I lose weight?’, ‘I want to be as skinny as her…’, and ‘How do I make my stomach go in?’ Valid questions for sure, but what’s the general answer to give everyone?

What people don’t realize is how important it is to eat good-quality vegetables. By eating veggies, you increase your fiber intake, which in turn, gets things moving down there and furthermore, leads to a smaller waistline. Also, when you eat tasty vegetable dishes, you tend to get fuller faster causing you to automatically reduce eating the ‘bad stuff.’ I try to aim to include different colors in my vegetable dishes so it is appealing to the eyes. Example: Add carrots and red bell peppers to your usual green salad. It really makes a difference!

This may sound like the easiest thing to do, but you’d be shocked to know most people forget to eat their vegetables. (maybe too much nagging from our Moms?)

Westville seems to have mastered that ability. My friend and I decided to catch up at their Chelsea location (they have 4 locations in total). We decided on getting a Kale Greek Salad with grilled salmon (to die for) and a plate of 4 market sides which included summer quinoa with mint, mango and pineapple, zucchini with cherry tomatoes and mozzarella, Brussels sprouts with honey Dijon, and roasted beets with goat cheese and walnuts. I walked out feeling so satisfied that I didn’t even glance at the dessert menu. I was walked out a happy camper with no guilt! Westville,

Market SidesKale Greek Salad


Arno Ristorante

Arno Ristorante has grown to become a favorite of my family’s. It all started as a place of convenience: It was just around the corner from my Dad’s office in the Garment District and was a great place for all of us to meet up for dinner. But, over the years, it has grown to become a familiar place, in which I can say brings back a lot of nostalgic feelings.

So, the other day we all decided to meet there before I headed off to The Lion King. I can’t even explain the excitement I felt when I saw this message on the menu.

This is definitely a new addition to the menu. I absolutely LOVE when restaurants care for and try to accommodate those of us with allergies and intolerances. Recently, I’ve been slowly eliminating gluten from my diet to support my PCOS-friendly diet. Check out this informative blog post from PCOS Diva to see why a gluten-free diet aids in alleviating PCOS-like symptoms.

Hence, why you could just imagine my excitement when I saw this option on the menu. I decided to order a mixed salad with the dressing on the side to start. I also opted for a half portion of gluten-free penne with tomato sauce and a dollop of ricotta cheese (I usually avoid cheese in my daily diet, but this was for good measure). Note to Restaurants: Offering half portions on your menu makes for happy customers with tiny stomachs.

Verdict: AMAZING. I can’t even tell you how great it tasted. It doesn’t taste like white pasta, but has a slight grainy texture. And, it is definitely lighter in flavor. This would be a repeat for me.

Thank you, Arno Ristorante for supporting us! If you work in and around the Garment District, I highly recommend this quaint Italian restaurant. Arno Ristorante, New York.

Angelika Film Center

It feels good to be home. One thing that I love about NYC is the ability to do things that I probably wouldn’t be able to do in other cities — like, watch a high-budget independent movie in the middle of Soho. So, last night, I went to watch Before Midnight at the Angelika Film Center. What excited me even more than anything else was the fact that they had a ‘healthy alternatives’ section at the cafe upstairs.

My biggest pet peeve with theaters are that they don’t have any healthy options for people to munch on. Hiding healthy, fun food options like dark chocolate trail mix or a greek yogurt in my handbag gets kind of old fast. And, I always end up feeling a bit like a small-time criminal. So, you could just imagine my excitement when I saw this menu. Unfortunately, I walked in with happy, full tummy, so I couldn’t try anything on the menu. But, I have something to look forward to for the next time. Angelika Film Center, New York

PS. Sorry for the lack of good pictures. I was rushing for the movie!

Al Majlis ‘Camelccinos’

Photo Credit: Anna Kovylina

Photo Credit: Anna Kovylina

Loving the feel and vibe here at this lobby lounge located in the beautiful Souk area of Dubai Mall. The Majlis Cafe is one of the few cafes in Dubai that solely uses Camel Milk as the main source of dairy in all their coffees and sweets. This was all too exciting for me (I was so excited that I came to this café twice during my 4-day trip to Dubai!). Visiting this café has been on my list of places to check out here in Dubai, but it just hadn’t happened — until now!

What did it taste like?

Don’t sit down expecting your ‘Camelccino’ to taste like a regular cappuccino. It has a slight salty flavor, but it still has a more mild taste than having goat’s milk. Personally, I was very happy with the flavor. Other milks can be quite offensive-tasting, and this wasn’t like that. I especially loved their quality, three-tiered afternoon menu to accompany my ‘Camelccino.’ The sweet waiter also offered me a camel-shaped camel milk chocolate by Al Nassma, which was to die for. I highly recommend this one!

Photo Credit: Anna Kovylina

Photo Credit: Anna Kovylina

Photo Credit: Anna Kovylina

Photo Credit: Anna Kovylina

I’ve recently become interested in the benefits of Camel Milk for various reasons. For starters, I’m living in the Middle East at the moment and I’ve developed a fixation on this gangly animal, especially during our multiple drives between Dubai and Muscat. I often wonder: Aren’t they thirsty? Aren’t they melting during the Arabian summers the way I am? What do they eat? Wow, they are actually really cute, who knew? Secondly, I’ve heard whispers of the great benefits of this milk and being in this region at the moment, I thought I better enjoy this milk as much as I can.

The reasons that did it for me:

1)    Lower in fat than cow’s milk

2)    Rich in vitamins and minerals

3)    4x as much Vitamin C as cow’s milk

4)    10x as much iron as cow’s milk

5)    Contains unsaturated fats (the good stuff!)

6)    Boosts overall immunity

7)    Reduces cholesterol

8)    Great for people with lactose intolerance

9)    Natural probiotic

10) There has been a proven positive effect for people with Diabetes 2. Camel milk naturally contains insulin; hence, a regular dose of camel milk can help regulate the effect of conventional medicine

For those people living in the UAE, I urge you to give camel milk a try for the reasons I listed above. Compared to everyone else residing in other parts of the world, you have the luxury to try this milk and enjoy the benefits. And, for anyone traveling through Dubai – it’s a great, local item to explore and to tell your friends back home about this novice item you tasted during your Desert adventures.

The Majlis Café, Dubai. Tel: +971 4 223 9289

The Inspiring Can of Beans

My inspiration for today is this wonderful can of Organic Chickpeas. You must be wondering: A can of beans is your inspiration? YES, it is.

Can of Chickpeas

The key to healthy living is not only what you put in your body; it’s not only your emotional or mental well-being; it’s not only about that yoga or meditation class; it’s also about how well-stocked your pantry is. It is all in the preparation. How prepared are you for rainy days like today? Pulling a can of beans like this out of your pantry is great for when 1) It is a rainy day and you don’t want to leave the house 2) You’ve decided to stay in for dinner at the last minute 3) You are looking at the fridge and you have ABSOLUTELY no clue what to make.

Well, this is where this handy dandy can of beans comes in (it doesn’t have to be chickpeas, your can of beans can range from black beans, pinto beans, mixed beans – whatever your lovely heart desires!). Just open up the can of beans, rinse and the easiest thing to make is a quick bean salad, throwing in any veggies from your fridge. Squeeze a bit of lemon or lime, drizzle some extra-virgin olive oil or flax oil, and add a smidgen of himalayan salt or sea salt; and Voila! you’ve got a hearty, healthy, and filling salad for your meal.

Some other recipe ideas with a can of beans:

1) Bean Salad – can even throw some salsa and grated Cheddar cheese on it for a quick, Mexican-inspired salad. Don’t forget the veggies that might be tucked into the corners of your fridge.

2) Hummus.

3) Cuban Black Beans and brown rice.

4) Bean spread for a sandwich.

5) Refried beans. (my personal favorite!)

6) Indian chickpea curry (Channa masala).

7) And, the list can go on and on.


What are some of your favorite bean recipes? What would you do with a can of beans?

Vegetable Juice

I just got back to Muscat from Bombay and all my body is craving is fresh VEGETABLE JUICE. I had an amazing time in Bombay with my family celebrating my cousin sister’s engagement. But, you all know what family celebrations call for: fun celebration food, do as the Romans do (eat as the others do), and sitting around many cups of chai and coffee chatting away. I’ve had a great couple of days enjoying my usual ‘taboo’ foods, so I’m definitely not going to beat myself up for it. But, I believe in balance, and now, that I’m back in Muscat – my body is screaming for some very satisfying vegetable juice. So, here it is.

Step 1: Take out the veggies

Step 1: Take out the veggies


Ingredients: Cucumbers, Beets, Parsley, Apples, Carrots and Celery.

Veggie Juice Veggie Juice Veggie Juice

Veggie Juice

The Final Product










Nannies Goat Milk

Goat milk delivery spotting! I saw this delivery truck today from a Mumbai taxi. I can’t explain how ecstatic I am. I’ve recently moved on to avoid cow’s milk since I might have a bit of an intolerance. So, doing a bit of experimenting. Check out their website to understand a bit on why you might like to consume goat milk. Nannies Goat Milk, Mumbai. 

Nannies Goat Milk

Caught this picture in the nick of time!

Mani’s Cafe

Marble-top tables that remind you of Paris, awesome Spanish music playing in the background, a natural-lit restaurant that exudes peace, and high-quality food made with precision: Mani’s Cafe in Muscat has become my newest go-to cafe.

Mani's Gourmet Cafe

I walked in aiming to eat a salad, but fate had different plans for me. The list of sandwiches looked just too good to pass up (and my roaring stomach was not letting up). Everything looked so yummy; I was left confused. The helpful waiter told me about this special sandwich they offered today – roast turkey, smidgen of cream cheese, lettuce, and a layer of pickles. Sounded too good to be true. Off the menu, I also chose the Detox Energizer: a lovely combination of watermelon, strawberry, and orange juice. I think it was the word “detox” that got me.

Roast Turkey Sandwich

A bite into this sandwich transported me back to New York. It don’t know why, it just did. And, that’s a good thing.

Detox Energizer

Hey lazy people, this place is DEFINITELY worth that trek up the escalator. It is easy to make healthy choices as well, with the fresh menu options, good-quality foods, and perfect-sized portions. And, the breakfast menu looked awesome – I’ll probably try that next time around. Mani’s Cafe – you are a little bit of New York, Paris, Spain and Muscat all rolled into one. Mani’s Gourmet Cafe, Muscat.

The Phoenix

I met this awesome bunch of women the other day who are doing great things here in Muscat. I sat down with Sharifa and Zuweina over a cup of tea and they are so inspiring! They supply Himalayan Crystal Salt products under the name of The Phoenix; which, I absolutely swear by in my daily home cooking. To be honest with you, since I’ve moved to Muscat, I’ve only been using this salt. I moved here, looking for sea salt, but stumbled upon this Himalayan crystal salt and decided to give it a try.

Not only does it taste great, but has great benefits (which I learned more in-depth directly from them).  Himalayan Crystal Salt contains the full spectrum of 84 minerals and trace elements just like Mother Nature intended it to be. They were telling me that it regulates the water content in the body, promotes a healthy PH in your cells, promotes blood sugar health, reduces the signs of aging (who wouldn’t want that!), promotes sinus health and helps regulate your sleep, to name a few. It doesn’t contain any toxins or contaminants. My eyes opened with the different ways they use the salt; in the form of sole, salt lamps, cooking slabs, candle holders, and even, salt licks for animals. What I loved even more about these women was that they had this deep desire to educate and spread awareness. Not only did I learn every benefit of the products they had, but I also learned where exactly the salt comes from. They showed me these awesome pictures of where the salt comes from. Did you know it comes from salt mines in Pakistan? If only we were more in tune with how much Mother Earth provides for us! (And, grateful of course!)

So, let me tell you about my experience cooking with the salt: I noticed no change in the taste of the food (in comparison to table salt). Actually, I would say food tasted fresher and lighter. Recently, I’ve noticed that my salt intake has reduced drastically. I don’t feel the need to have heavily-salted food. And, this means a lot, because I used to like salty food.

The next thing on my to-do list – attempt cooking on the Himalayan Crystal Salt cooking slab; which, I’m pretty excited about. The Phoenix, Muscat. 

My Himalayan Crystal Salt goodies!

My Himalayan Crystal Salt goodies!