Achieving that balance. Om.

So. Finally, I’ve mustered up some courage to start writing to you. It took a lot of analyzing, a lot of prodding, and a lot of mental angst in deciding on whether to consume a glass of cold coffee with a generous squirt of Elle & Vire whipped cream (or, iced coffee, depending on what part of the world you’re reading this from) before I sat down to write. And, THAT is where the inspiration for my first blog post came from. THAT is referring to this glass of cold coffee that is sitting right next to me.

I love eating. I love matcha (thanks to my brother who could be the ideal spokesperson for matcha). I have a daily morning love affair with my banana, agave, spelt muffin. I miss my cheesy, NY-style pizza. Overall, I love food. But, like all of us humans, I want to live a healthy, holistic, and happy lifestyle – but, where does the pizza fit into all this. For me, it all boils down to balance. Eat at least three meals a day. Don’t forget breakfast. Green tea. Exercise. Meditate. A walk on the beach. Leafy greens. A good conversation. But, after all this if you’re craving that coffee (coffee is not ideal for my PCOS-friendly diet) or pizza, then go for it! Or, if you’re like me, you’ll start dreaming about it. Balance, it’s all about balance. I rewind many years ago to my college-going years: I would’ve felt so guilty that I actually would start feeling around for my nonexistent double chin to make sure it didn’t develop miraculously over the hour.

Before I confuse you more, let me first begin by telling you the intention behind my blog, onlypure. I want to encourage holistic, healthy, and happy living! A life full of energy! Majority of my day’s research includes reading up on holistic health, trying out the joys of mindful cooking, testing new recipes (especially ones that include spelt or agave), and reading my favorite food blogs. And, this is the place where I want to exchange notes on how to create that ever-perfect balance between living in 2012 and being organic and natural. Please feel free to help me out along the way. A little nudge with some supportive advice or constructive criticism is always appreciated. Let us encourage and inspire!