The Phoenix

I met this awesome bunch of women the other day who are doing great things here in Muscat. I sat down with Sharifa and Zuweina over a cup of tea and they are so inspiring! They supply Himalayan Crystal Salt products under the name of The Phoenix; which, I absolutely swear by in my daily home cooking. To be honest with you, since I’ve moved to Muscat, I’ve only been using this salt. I moved here, looking for sea salt, but stumbled upon this Himalayan crystal salt and decided to give it a try.

Not only does it taste great, but has great benefits (which I learned more in-depth directly from them).  Himalayan Crystal Salt contains the full spectrum of 84 minerals and trace elements just like Mother Nature intended it to be. They were telling me that it regulates the water content in the body, promotes a healthy PH in your cells, promotes blood sugar health, reduces the signs of aging (who wouldn’t want that!), promotes sinus health and helps regulate your sleep, to name a few. It doesn’t contain any toxins or contaminants. My eyes opened with the different ways they use the salt; in the form of sole, salt lamps, cooking slabs, candle holders, and even, salt licks for animals. What I loved even more about these women was that they had this deep desire to educate and spread awareness. Not only did I learn every benefit of the products they had, but I also learned where exactly the salt comes from. They showed me these awesome pictures of where the salt comes from. Did you know it comes from salt mines in Pakistan? If only we were more in tune with how much Mother Earth provides for us! (And, grateful of course!)

So, let me tell you about my experience cooking with the salt: I noticed no change in the taste of the food (in comparison to table salt). Actually, I would say food tasted fresher and lighter. Recently, I’ve noticed that my salt intake has reduced drastically. I don’t feel the need to have heavily-salted food. And, this means a lot, because I used to like salty food.

The next thing on my to-do list – attempt cooking on the Himalayan Crystal Salt cooking slab; which, I’m pretty excited about. The Phoenix, Muscat. 

My Himalayan Crystal Salt goodies!

My Himalayan Crystal Salt goodies!

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