Vegetable Juice

I just got back to Muscat from Bombay and all my body is craving is fresh VEGETABLE JUICE. I had an amazing time in Bombay with my family celebrating my cousin sister’s engagement. But, you all know what family celebrations call for: fun celebration food, do as the Romans do (eat as the others do), and sitting around many cups of chai and coffee chatting away. I’ve had a great couple of days enjoying my usual ‘taboo’ foods, so I’m definitely not going to beat myself up for it. But, I believe in balance, and now, that I’m back in Muscat – my body is screaming for some very satisfying vegetable juice. So, here it is.

Step 1: Take out the veggies

Step 1: Take out the veggies


Ingredients: Cucumbers, Beets, Parsley, Apples, Carrots and Celery.

Veggie Juice Veggie Juice Veggie Juice

Veggie Juice

The Final Product










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