The Inspiring Can of Beans

My inspiration for today is this wonderful can of Organic Chickpeas. You must be wondering: A can of beans is your inspiration? YES, it is.

Can of Chickpeas

The key to healthy living is not only what you put in your body; it’s not only your emotional or mental well-being; it’s not only about that yoga or meditation class; it’s also about how well-stocked your pantry is. It is all in the preparation. How prepared are you for rainy days like today? Pulling a can of beans like this out of your pantry is great for when 1) It is a rainy day and you don’t want to leave the house 2) You’ve decided to stay in for dinner at the last minute 3) You are looking at the fridge and you have ABSOLUTELY no clue what to make.

Well, this is where this handy dandy can of beans comes in (it doesn’t have to be chickpeas, your can of beans can range from black beans, pinto beans, mixed beans – whatever your lovely heart desires!). Just open up the can of beans, rinse and the easiest thing to make is a quick bean salad, throwing in any veggies from your fridge. Squeeze a bit of lemon or lime, drizzle some extra-virgin olive oil or flax oil, and add a smidgen of himalayan salt or sea salt; and Voila! you’ve got a hearty, healthy, and filling salad for your meal.

Some other recipe ideas with a can of beans:

1) Bean Salad – can even throw some salsa and grated Cheddar cheese on it for a quick, Mexican-inspired salad. Don’t forget the veggies that might be tucked into the corners of your fridge.

2) Hummus.

3) Cuban Black Beans and brown rice.

4) Bean spread for a sandwich.

5) Refried beans. (my personal favorite!)

6) Indian chickpea curry (Channa masala).

7) And, the list can go on and on.


What are some of your favorite bean recipes? What would you do with a can of beans?

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