Angelika Film Center

It feels good to be home. One thing that I love about NYC is the ability to do things that I probably wouldn’t be able to do in other cities — like, watch a high-budget independent movie in the middle of Soho. So, last night, I went to watch Before Midnight at the Angelika Film Center. What excited me even more than anything else was the fact that they had a ‘healthy alternatives’ section at the cafe upstairs.

My biggest pet peeve with theaters are that they don’t have any healthy options for people to munch on. Hiding healthy, fun food options like dark chocolate trail mix or a greek yogurt in my handbag gets kind of old fast. And, I always end up feeling a bit like a small-time criminal. So, you could just imagine my excitement when I saw this menu. Unfortunately, I walked in with happy, full tummy, so I couldn’t try anything on the menu. But, I have something to look forward to for the next time. Angelika Film Center, New York

PS. Sorry for the lack of good pictures. I was rushing for the movie!

Al Majlis ‘Camelccinos’

Photo Credit: Anna Kovylina

Photo Credit: Anna Kovylina

Loving the feel and vibe here at this lobby lounge located in the beautiful Souk area of Dubai Mall. The Majlis Cafe is one of the few cafes in Dubai that solely uses Camel Milk as the main source of dairy in all their coffees and sweets. This was all too exciting for me (I was so excited that I came to this café twice during my 4-day trip to Dubai!). Visiting this café has been on my list of places to check out here in Dubai, but it just hadn’t happened — until now!

What did it taste like?

Don’t sit down expecting your ‘Camelccino’ to taste like a regular cappuccino. It has a slight salty flavor, but it still has a more mild taste than having goat’s milk. Personally, I was very happy with the flavor. Other milks can be quite offensive-tasting, and this wasn’t like that. I especially loved their quality, three-tiered afternoon menu to accompany my ‘Camelccino.’ The sweet waiter also offered me a camel-shaped camel milk chocolate by Al Nassma, which was to die for. I highly recommend this one!

Photo Credit: Anna Kovylina

Photo Credit: Anna Kovylina

Photo Credit: Anna Kovylina

Photo Credit: Anna Kovylina

I’ve recently become interested in the benefits of Camel Milk for various reasons. For starters, I’m living in the Middle East at the moment and I’ve developed a fixation on this gangly animal, especially during our multiple drives between Dubai and Muscat. I often wonder: Aren’t they thirsty? Aren’t they melting during the Arabian summers the way I am? What do they eat? Wow, they are actually really cute, who knew? Secondly, I’ve heard whispers of the great benefits of this milk and being in this region at the moment, I thought I better enjoy this milk as much as I can.

The reasons that did it for me:

1)    Lower in fat than cow’s milk

2)    Rich in vitamins and minerals

3)    4x as much Vitamin C as cow’s milk

4)    10x as much iron as cow’s milk

5)    Contains unsaturated fats (the good stuff!)

6)    Boosts overall immunity

7)    Reduces cholesterol

8)    Great for people with lactose intolerance

9)    Natural probiotic

10) There has been a proven positive effect for people with Diabetes 2. Camel milk naturally contains insulin; hence, a regular dose of camel milk can help regulate the effect of conventional medicine

For those people living in the UAE, I urge you to give camel milk a try for the reasons I listed above. Compared to everyone else residing in other parts of the world, you have the luxury to try this milk and enjoy the benefits. And, for anyone traveling through Dubai – it’s a great, local item to explore and to tell your friends back home about this novice item you tasted during your Desert adventures.

The Majlis Café, Dubai. Tel: +971 4 223 9289