Fresh in a Blink of An Eye

So, I’m between traveling. I got back day before yesterday from New York and am leaving day after tomorrow to Dubai. Today, I’m sitting in Muscat. During times like this, I buy the bare minimum amount of veggies possible. I usually have a mental tussle during times like this – how do I eat healthy, but still manage to minimize wastage?

Today, I made an extremely fast and easy before-meal salad. You’ll be surprised on how easy it seems and how come you didn’t get in the kitchen earlier, instead of calling that pizza delivery guy.

A rule of thumb that I usually like to follow is to MAKE SOMETHING RAW AND FRESH BEFORE OUR MEALS. Fresh veggies have so much intact energy that I feel like I’m ‘doing my body good.’

All I had in my fridge tonight was a few tomatoes and a lemon (leftover from the Indian meal that was cooked up the day before). So, I whipped up this:


QUICK, EASY Tomato Starter


2 tomatoes

½ small red onion

Juice from a quarter of a lemon

Pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt

Freshly Ground Pepper


Chop up the tomatoes and thinly slice the red onion. Mix everything together and voila!

I know this sounds like the easiest thing. But, to be honest with you, seeing two meager tomatoes at the bottom of the fridge seemed quite un-appetizing and boring. Until, I made it my number priority to eat healthy no matter what. So, I kicked my lazy side to the curb and chopped up those tomatoes and onions. No more excuses. Eating something fresh like this helps keep me on track for that holistic, happy, and healthy lifestyle.

And, what was for dinner?

Leftover Indian food. Cooked up a batch of basmati brown rice. In a teaspoon of ghee, I added a little garlic and added the leftover French beans bhaji (vegetable dish) and Cauliflower bhaji. On top of this, I mixed in the cooked brown rice. To top it all, I added some fresh, chopped coriander leaves and a squeeze of lemon. We ate it with the leftover masoor daal (cooked pink lentils).

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